Greetings! In my mundane (non-SCA) life people call me Dave. I hold a PhD in cognitive/social Psychology and I taught in higher education for over 35 years. I retired in 2017. I have a variety of interests outside my Medieval activities. Here’s a copy of my vita that shows what I’ve been up to in my professional life and a link to my page at ResearchGate. Since my retirement, I developed an interest in US Naval history and spend a good deal of time writing about topics that do not usually get much print. Examples of my interests include the quirky comments of WWII submarine commanders in their war patrol reports and the tradition of posting the first deck log entry of each year in verse on navy vessels.
In the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) I am known as Master Eynon (pronounced eye-nun). My SCA persona is 13th century Welshman whose father left the priesthood for the woman who would eventually become my mother. I toyed with the notion of the priesthood at one time, but instead chose to take up the bow in addition to my duties on my family’s land in the village of Llangenydd (or Llangennith or Langenyth). My father and mother both had experience in the brewing arts and handed down their knowledge and skill to me. Several albums at my Flickr page contain photos of some SCA events.
In the SCA, I am active in the Kingdom of Calontir, which contains the Shire March of Grimfells, my local group.